Members of The American Legion, Sons of The American Legion, American Legion Auxiliary, and their guests are all invited to The American Legion’s 105th National Convention to help strengthen and support the world’s largest veteran’s association! You do NOT have to be a delegate to attend! Learn from each other’s creative solutions for successes and challenges like those of your own department. Don’t miss out! Contact your Department Headquarters or Adjutant now to register and to reserve a hotel room!

See below for convention information. Check back periodically, as the website is frequently updated.

National Convention

Dear Family,

We have a lot to be thankful for and much to celebrate, specifically a year’s worth of successes, while looking ahead to a bright future for The American Legion.

As my year as national commander concludes, I am reflecting on our most important mission — Be the One. This past year, we’ve taken that concept, raised awareness across the nation and — most importantly — we’ve saved lives and we’ve changed lives.

That in itself is worth celebrating.

But there is so much more. Nearly $19 billion in veterans benefits compensation. Legislative achievements. Improvements in membership. Successful mentorship of youths. The list goes on. In fact, there is too much to list here.

Instead, Family, I want us all to gather, raise our glasses high and toast our achievements. I would love to see you at our national convention in New Orleans (check out the convention details here). Remember, you don’t need to be a delegate to attend.

If you haven’t registered, there is still time.  Please contact your department adjutant to learn how to attend.

I look forward to seeing you there!

National Commander

Daniel J. Seehafer