Our Mission: To provide staff support to the Legislative Commission and its Convention Committee; serve as the principal advocate of servicemembers, veterans, and their families on Capitol Hill; provide Members of Congress and their professional staff valuable information that furthers their and our goals along with our standing as an institutional authority in the veteran community; to facilitate the completion of goals set by our members through Resolution; to enhance strategic collaboration and partnerships ensuring benefits and services are available to servicemembers and veterans for generations to come.

Who We Serve: The Legislative Division of The American Legion serves as, “The Voice of the Veteran,” to the United States Congress.  The Legislative Division’s primary responsibility is to our 2 million members; serving Legionnaires, the National Commander, the National Executive Commission (NEC), the National Legislative Commission, its convention committee, the National Legislative Council, The American Legion Family, and national staff (i.e. National Adjutant, National Treasurer, National Judge Advocate and the Executive Director).

The Legislative Division also serves Departments and Posts of The American Legion across the country in order to provide guidance and expertise on strategic lobbying and federal engagement efforts.

The Legislative Division also serves Members of Congress as an institutional authority on all matters relating to the veteran community. The Legislative Division serves as a resource for Members of Congress, congressional committees, and their professional staff when they need information, opinions, or anecdotal evidence of prospective changes to legislation, regulations or professional testimony.

The Legislative Division also serves as a liaison to Capitol Hill for all divisions and programs of The American Legion, to ensure all information being exchanged with Congress is clear, concise, and in concurrence with our Resolution.

Our Services: The Legislative Division accomplishes the mission of The American Legion by providing the following services:

  • Lobbying all Members of Congress and their professional staff to accomplish the goals of The American Legion’s Legislative Agenda;
  • Management, constant communication and education, and active engagement of the Legislative Council of The American Legion;
  • Liaising with the Chairman of the Legislative Commission, and its Convention Committee;
  • Liaising with the other divisions and commissions of The American Legion;
  • Partnerships with the Marketing, Media, and Communications Commission and Division to ensure broad dissemination of The American Legion Legislative Agenda;
  • Program education and training development opportunities;
  • Supplying and disseminating program information, materials, and resources; and
  • Advocacy for The American Legion and its programs at local, department, and national levels to include Legislative training at Department events as required.