During the Rider's off-season, the New Cumberland Chapter 143 Riders had a breakfast the first Saturday of the month with the proceeds being used to support local Veterans.

In the month of April, they do a little something extra to support a local Girl Scout Troop and their cookie drive. Local Girl Scout Troop 11419 sets up a stand within the New Cumberland Post to sell their cookies. In order to stimulate sales, the young ladies let the customers know that the Chapter 143 Riders will match what the young ladies sell during the breakfast and send the cookies to the Lebanon VA.

Well, the Girl Scouts were hustling and were able to sell 216 boxes of cookies and the Riders purchased 216 boxes for the residents at the Lebanon VA. The Riders would like to thank Girl Scout Troop 11419 and their patrons for making the event such a success. The Riders would also like to thank the Legion's VA Representative Tracie Seiders for attending and transporting the donation to the VA. Tracie assured us that the residents would greatly appreciate the donation.

Past Rider Presidents

The 104th Opening Ceremony for the Pennsylvania American Legion Department Convention started with an impressive program celebrating the Legion Family, Faith, and our departed comrades we've lost this past year. The Call to Order was presented by Department Commander Craig Wilhelm. Post 109 Honor Guard Presented our Colors for the evening followed by the Pledge of Allegiance lead by Department Master Sgt-Arms Stephen Lavelle. A beautiful rendition of the National Anthem was sung by Miss Presley Carnes.

Our faith in God lead the program when Rev. James Fox, Past Department Chaplain called to Worship and the invocation lead by Rev, Donald Cosby, Past Department Chaplain.

Rev. Donald Cosby, Past Department Chaplain read the Old Testament Reading - Isaiah 9:1-7. The New Testament Reading - Luke 12:22-31 and Matthew 11:28-30 was read by Rev. John Trout, Past Department Chaplain.

Rev. Richard Denison, Department Chaplain introduced our guest Speaker Rev. Karis Hagen. Her message was Strength to Serve.

The 5th District Degree Team held the Post Everlasting Ceremony honoring Robert F. Taylor, Jr., Sharon "Sue" Lowe, Gary Ramberger, Reynold "Rey" Woof, Jr., Dennis Koman, Corning Todd Smyth, James H. Hales, Jr., Albert Schraepfer, George Reeder, Ford L. "Skip" Carnes, Jr., Christopher Kough, Walter S. Edwards, Eldon Cummings, Richard Chalmers.

The Memorial wreath was placed by Department Commander Craig Wilhelm, Auxiliary President Kelly Moyer, Riders Director Phil Campbell, and Sons of The American Legion Commander Thomas Walsh.

Post Chaplain of the Year Award was present to Chaplain Elizabeth Hall-Bentzel from Post 109 WWI Memorial. Chaplain Hall-Bentzel also said the closing prayer.

The American Legion National Convention hosted Mr. Vann Morris as a guest speaker. Vann is a motivational public speaker that moved out Legionnaires about the American Flag. Please watch the video below as he speaks on Old Glory.  His website is https://evangelomorris.com/


In mid-June, eleven different ALR Chapters came together to celebrate the 101st birthday of local Chambersburg Legion Member and WWII Veteran Mr. Sam Worley. Mr. Worley was a member of the Army Air Corps and served this country around the world until his honorable discharge from active service before becoming a member of the Air Force Reserve.

To honor Mr. Worley, 50 plus Riders gathered at the Chambersburg American Legion Post 46 and were led by a Chambersburg Police Motor Patrolman to his home where his family was having an outdoor celebration. As part of our celebration to Mr. Worley we asked the Blankets of Honor team to join us and they did a fantastic presentation led by their CEO Veteran Manny Acuna which included a rundown of Mr. Worley's military service.

At 101 years old Mr. Worley is still very active in the community as well as still being very active with the American Legion at the local and state levels. At the end of the presentation, as in the past few years, Mr. Worley hopped on the back of ALR Head Committee Person Jon Hosfeld's trike and went for his annual ride.

It was our honor to do this for Sam and we look forward to doing it again for 102nd birthday. God Bless this WWII Veteran for his service to our country and our community.

The American Legion along with Veterans First,

and Allegheny Health Network are

holding a food and clothing drive

on December 14, 2021, from 8:00 am - 2:00 pm


If  you wish to donate you can drop clothing and food to:

American Legion Post 80

172 6th Avenue

Pittsburgh, PA  15229


All donations are welcome.

Please remember that food should be non-perishables.

Things in need are jackets, blankets, gloves and socks.

Please help us fill this truck on December 14th!

Please feel free to contact Dan Campeau with any questions.


Per Cumberland Valley (East - 10/30) and Greater Latrobe (West - 11/06) school district requirements, there are a few rules that must be followed for our use of the facility.

These rules apply to both Legion College East and West. The rules are not optional. If not followed, you will be asked to leave immediately without a refund.

As a reminder, you are expected to attend your class in which you signed up. If you traveled as a group and will be waiting on others to finish their class, you must report to the General Class while you wait. There will be no roaming of the halls or disrupting other classes.

We appreciate your cooperation and look forward to having a successful event.

Legion Riders

Currently, over 110,000 American Legion Riders meet in over 2,000 chapters in every domestic department and in at least three foreign countries. Riders in Iowa have formed an honor guard called The Five Star Freedom Riders, and Riders in Mulvane, Kan., founded the Patriot Guard to protect the sanctity of military funerals from protesters. Riders in all states have escorted military units returning home from combat tours overseas, conducted massive cross-country fundraising events for wounded warriors from all services, and have raised millions of dollars for countless local, state and national charities. Many Riders, supported by their departments, conduct annual statewide Legacy Runs in direct support of American Legion scholarship programs of Operation Comfort Warriors (OCW), supporting our wounded servicemembers across the nation.

True to the Legion's grassroots tradition, each chapter manages its programs at the post level, where the best ideas are born. The Riders are part of many projects and events, including:

The American Legion

A donation from American Legion Riders Chapter 117 in Butler, Pa., in 2015 established a scholarship for students attending Butler County Community College (BC3). Continued donations brought the endowment to $10,000 by 2018.

And now, another $10,000 donation this summer by 117’s Riders will expand the reach of the Butler American Legion Riders Veterans Incentive Scholarship Post 117.

Through the donation, a $500 scholarship has been awarded each year to either a student veteran or the child of a veteran attending BC3. The additional donation this summer will double the number of scholarships annually presented. Ten scholarships have been presented since its inception.

For Chapter 117 Director Denny Christie, the scholarship is an opportunity to make a long-term impact on veterans as they transition into college. “We talked a legacy we might leave, meaning the Riders,” he said. “We just wanted to leave a legacy at the community college so the veterans (there) would always have something from us.”

BC’s multiple campuses are home to more than 50 veterans and military personnel, nearly 45 percent of which are enrolled full time in college. “Butler is loaded with veterans. This is a huge veteran town,” said former Chapter 117 Assistant Road Captain Chip Hill, who has since transferred to Post 778 in Butler after helping charter a new ALR chapter there in July. “This was just another means to give back to the community and help the veterans going to school. And it’s 100 percent earmarked for veterans.”

Hill said the recipients typically come to the post for a special gathering after being awarded the scholarship. “It’s heart-warming,” he said. “That’s the next generation coming up.”

Christie said hosting the recipients makes for a rewarding experience. “It’s priceless both ways. We get to see the recipient, and they get to see the group that presented them with it,” he said. “They enjoy seeing us, and we enjoy seeing them and spending a little time together. We ask them what they’re (studying) or what they did in the service. What their plans are for the future. Things like that. It’s a real good feeling.”

It’s been a generous summer for Chapter 117, which earlier presented Robin’s Home in Butler with a $10,000 donation. The home provides a variety of cares and services for homeless, unstably housed or low-income women veterans and their children.

Chapter 117 is able to make donations such as this summer through efforts that include annually auctioning off a motorcycle, gun raffles and a fundraising ride. “A lot goes into it,” Hill said. “They’re all out there doing what they’re doing: raising money for veteran awareness.”


$10,000 GRAND PRIZE - after taxes $7,501.25 -Joseph Chernikovich, Newark, DE

$2,500 SECOND PLACE WINNER- Robert Baynard Sr., Coatesville, PA

$1,000 THIRD PLACE WINNER-Gregory Noll, Lancaster, PA

$500 FOURTH PLACE WINNER-Thomas Bowditch, Mountain Top, PA

$250 FIFTH PLACE WINNER- Irwin Mattis, Bristol, PA

$250 SIXTH PLACE WINNER-Michael Dobish, Ramey, PA

$250 SEVENTH PLACE WINNER- Lawrence Schorr, Newton, PA

$250 EIGHTH PLACE WINNER- Jackson Baumbach, New Cumberland, PA

$100 NINTH PLACE WINNER- Jonathan Bacon, Warren Center, PA

$100 TENTH PLACE WINNER-Gene Fetterman Jr., Orangeville, Pa

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