October 21, 2024

Action center advocates for veterans

Action center advocates for veterans

The American Legion offers a web portal to share your views with your congressional representatives.

The Legislative Action Center is regularly updated with information about congressional bills of interest to veterans and current servicemembers such as the current legislation calling for reform at VA. During times when Congress is in session, the action center provides a valuable service to Legion members including:

• The ability to search and find contact information for congressional representatives.

• Links to current legislation of interest to veterans and others interested in military affairs.

• A way to directly contact the president and your representatives on specific pieces of legislation such as this week’s House bill on VA accountability.

Legionnaires from all across the nation can have an impact on bills before Congress. For example, in two days leading up to the vote on the VA accountability bill, visitors to the Legion’s action center page sent more than 15,000 messages to the president and members of Congress.

The American Legion’s Legislative Division also sends out action alerts via email when important legislation is pending. The alerts provide key message points and a specific request for action. It’s free and easy to sign up for the action alert email. Sign up here.

As the nation’s largest and most powerful veterans service organization, The American Legion counts on its members at the local and national level to advocate for veterans and their family members. The National Legislative Commission encourages members of The American Legion Family to work toward achieving legislative victories on behalf of America’s veterans, using the Legislative Action Center.

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