Americanism Report
Ryan Williams
Good morning/Afternoon Comrades,
First, I would like to thank Commander John Fritz for this Appointment. It’s always an honor to lead the Americanism charge for the Department of PA.
The Americanism Committee met on August 10th at Department HQ and held our initial meeting for this year. Present was Myself, Vice Chair Betty Marshall, Vice Chair Houston Marshall, Vice Chair Jerry Dean and Vice Chair Susan Patchin. As always, we first brought up last year and Convention and how pleased we were to see more post’s having an interest in putting in for the Americanism Award.
I mean, what better way to show what your post has been doing. Some of these packets that were submitted were close to a half inch thick. We asked for better evidence, we got it. On behalf of the Committee, I would like to thank everyone that submitted. It definitely made our job harder. There’s always next year and your hard work never goes unnoticed, I assure you.
On that note, The Committee Discussed in last year’s meeting how we would like to see runner up certificates. Some Post put in packets year after year but don’t always end up in the winner’s circle. So, this year we are going to implement that. We want to recognize those post that just fall short but still take the time to put together a packet and hit second place for their Class.
This will be at no cost to the Department and if the post does not have a representative at Convention, they will be given to the District Commanders. We will make sure all necessary updates are made to the form as always. Commander Fritz Checked in on our meeting and wanted to remind us that at the end of the day “everyone’s job is memberships”
We need to constantly be searching for that new legionnaire. They’re out there. Some just need some direction. Ask. Reach out. Be The One.
Remember to be pushing our Legion Programs throughout the year. I know running our Canteen’s and keeping the money flowing is important to a lot of post’s wellbeing and survival, but so is our image. Our programs help us do exactly what we are supposed to, promote a 100% Americanism. School is back into full swing so we should have our sights set on essay and oratorical. Always be recruiting for Keystone Boys State and State Police Youth Week.
Never hurts to keep that in the back of our young American’s minds. Try to be creative at your post to remind everyone that it is indeed an American Legion. Have a Flag etiquette day. I've seen numerous small business traveling the Keystone state that could benefit from a “small block of instruction” as we called it in the Army. AIRBORNE.
Dig into that old trunk and bust out your basic training/Hayday Photos. I’m sure everyone would love to see that officer or legionnaire in their period dress-mess, fighting Fatigues or full battle rattle.
There’s Plenty of ways to push Americanism in our arsenal. If you have Facebook, Keep an eye on the Department Page. Vice Chair Patchin will be regularly putting up posts of upcoming legion events and programs to keep the ideas flowing.
On behalf of the Americanism Committee, I want to thank everyone for being here today and your continued commitment to keeping our organization and the Image of the American Dream alive.
Airborne, All the Way, H-Minus