July 31, 2024

Antiterrorism Awareness Month

Antiterrorism Awareness Month

Antiterrorism Awareness Month

Although antiterrorism awareness should always be a priority, Antiterrorism Awareness month reminds us to renew our commitment to the vigilance required to prevent terrorist attacks and protect our employees, locations, and operations from acts of terror.

Trust your instincts; if a behavior or activity makes you feel uncomfortable, REPORT IT.

Although this is not an all-inclusive list, these are some of the observations to report to local law enforcement:

•    People drawing or measuring important buildings
•    Strangers asking questions about security forces or security procedures
•    An unattended briefcase, suitcase, backpack, or package
•    Cars or trucks left in No Parking zones in front of important buildings.
•    Intruders found in secure areas
•    A person wearing clothes that are too big and bulky and/or too hot for the weather
•    Chemical smells or fumes that worry you
•    A person who is asking questions about sensitive information such as building blueprints, security plans, or VIP schedules without a right or need to know
•    Purchasing supplies or equipment that can be used to make bombs or weapons or purchasing uniforms without having the proper credentials
Provide as many details as possible.  Here is a quick checklist:

•    Date and time
•    Where it happened
•    What you witnessed
•    A description of who was involved
•    Gender
•    Height and build
•    Hair color, skin color, age
•    Language(s) spoken
•    Was there a car?  Note the license plate number
•    Have you seen this activity before?

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