September 16, 2021

Squadron Officers and Duties

Squadron Officers and Duties

Squadron commander: You are entrusted with teaching and protecting the cardinal principles of the Sons of The American Legion and supervising duties of all other squadron officers. You are guided by the squadron constitution and by the decision of the squadron as a body, yet you are primarily responsible for the success of this year’s programs. As presiding officer of your squadron meetings, you should ensure that meetings are conducted properly. A recommended order of business and the ceremonial ritual for the opening and closing of a squadron meeting are outlined on Page 20 of the handbook.

Some squadrons have two vice commanders while others have one. For those that have multiple vice commanders, their duties may be split up in the following way:

Vice commander: Focuses on membership enrollment activities.
Vice commander: Responsible for patriotic observances, the development of squadron activities, and planning entertainment and social activities that may be scheduled in conjunction with squadron meetings.

Adjutant: As secretary of the squadron, this officer maintains contact with squadron members, keeps the squadron records, and publishes necessary orders, announcements and instructions.

Finance officer: Responsible for receiving squadron funds and paying all squadron bills when authorizations have been given for payment.

Chaplain: Responsible for the spiritual leadership of the squadron, he should be ready to take part in the initiation of new members, dedication ceremonies and the funeral services of a comrade.

Historian: Maintains a record of the squadron activities.

Sergeant-at-arms: Serves as the sentinel or outer guard of the squadron. In addition to being the custodian of the flag and squadron standards, he should be ready at all times to assist the squadron commander.

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