July 19, 2024


Harry Hause
First of all I would like to welcome all of you to the 105th Department Convention. As I sit here thinking about my year as your Eastern Vice Commander I will start with when I was sworn into office. I was nervous as heck and thinking of the responsibilities I had just taken on. I know one thing, everyone I ask and every time I needed anything I always had the support of everyone from Department down to all of our Veterans and Legion family. This is truly a great organization. I know all of us are proud to be part of, although there is an occasional nay-sayer, thankfully I have met very few during my term. The big thing is always membership and I believe our Eastern Section took it very seriously. I am proud to say the East attained the highest percentages although Central and West were right on our heels. We were all over 98%. I thank our Past Commanders for the guidance when I needed it. I enjoyed talking to our District Commanders on an almost weekly basis and becoming good friends. I recall our Christmas tour and how our members take time out of their lives to shine some light into an ill and sometimes lonely fellow Veterans life. I believe we all felt good going on that tour. As I visited our Districts, at their meeting and when I was invited to Post events I can see where we are getting our word out, that we are truly acting on our Four Pillars. We still have a lot of work to do getting more of our members involved more in their Posts, District and Department. We have to get the word out what we have as opportunities for our youth scholarships, KBS and State Police Youth week. It is all our responsibility to show our pride in our American Legion and to show why it’s great to belong. I know that every position has its own demands and takes time sometimes a lot of time but I would encourage everyone to get involved as much as you can even if its just once a year. Many hands make lighter work and you will be doing it. Remember if not me then who? I want to thank everyone for their support, advice, help and all that you all did for me and for having the confidence in me. I hope I did well by you and for The American Legion.
It was truly a great honor to serve you. Last but not least thanks to my wife Hope God bless you all.

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