July 19, 2024


Richard Denison
This year the Religious Emphasis Committee and your Department Chaplain have continued to support the American Legion’s mission “For God and Country.” During the past year we have provided both worship services for every DEC meeting. It is a continuing challenge to find Roman Catholic priests able to perform Mass at our meetings. We also provide religious support for other events including dedication of veteran’s memorials, funerals, Flag Day roundup, Boys
State, and State Police Youth Camp programs. Two Legion College sessions were supported. The curriculum was organized around the main duties of Chaplains, but this year additional material was added to support Suicide Prevention and the Be the One emphasis of the American Legion. The PowerPoint based presentation had high reviews. Many of our students remarked that they found the class inspirational. Our classes are well attended and include members of the Legion Riders, Sons, Auxiliary as well as Legion Posts. In addition, the Department Chaplain and members of our committee spoke at a variety of Memorial Day, Veterans Day, and local faith community observances.

Throughout the year, we receive many requests through the year for speakers at Veterans Programs at local churches. We are eager to assist in any way we can; however, please contact us well before the event. Since our committee members are active clergy serving local congregations, they often must arrange for substitutes when they speak elsewhere on a Sunday
morning. Likewise, we often receive requests for weddings. Please respect that we all must maintain the integrity of our denominations policies regarding performing religious ceremonies. Please contact us well in advance and be willing to participate in the required premarital counseling. I am now completing my eighth year of service as your Department Chaplain. Serving in this capacity has been one of the highlights of my clergy career. What can be better than serving
God, Country and our nation’s veterans at the same time. However, any of us who have served over five years in the same capacity have a responsibility to recruit someone younger so that a new generation of leadership can be developed. This year I will be nominating a new Department Chaplain to take my place. It is my hope that you will give your new Chaplain the respect and support you have given me.

Every post begins its meetings with a prayer asking God’s blessing on our work together to serve God and country. We pray the American Legion may forever remain faithful in encouraging a vital religious faith as well as 100 percent Americanism. We look forward to continuing to support the mission of our department and provide religious support to Department events.

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