July 25, 2024


Richard Craig

The community service committee met at legion headquarters on June 8, 2024 at 1030. Those present were Richard Craig chairman, Lorin Williams eastern, Mike Stewart central was excused and the western section was vacant. The purpose of this meeting was to select the 2024 winners of the community service award and to review the application form.

The meeting opened with a salute to the colors, pledge of allegiance and a moment of silence for past committee member Walt Stelma who passed away earlier this year. There were 10 submissions for the award this year, there were 3 from class 1, 3 from class 2, 1 from class 3, 2 from class 4 and 1 from class 5. The winners are as follows. Class 1 was Elm Tree American Legion Post 88 from Philadelphia, Class 2 was Sayre American Legion Post 283 from Sayre, Class 3 was Freeland American Legion Post 473 from Freeland, Class 4 was Baden American Legion Post 641 from Baden and class 5 was Shiloh American Legion Post 791 from York.

The application form was reviewed and no changes were necessary. We remind you once again that the application form must be filled out completely, all volunteer hours and money received or spent must be added up in the sub totals and the grand total. If you are going to enlarge the form you can do so but please do not cut off the bottom of the form, enlarge the entire form and use another sheet of paper, do not omit any part of the application form if you are going to enlarge it. Any photos or newspaper clippings may also be sent to substantiate your events but they are not required, I would like to thank all the Posts who took the time and made the effort to submit an application and I would encourage all our Posts to do so.

Thank you for all you do and always BE THE ONE!

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