November 29, 2024



Richard Craig

The Community Service Committee met at legion headquarters in Harrisburg on 10 August 2024 at 0900. Those in attendance were Department Chairperson Richard Craig, Vice Chairperson from the Eastern section Lorin Williams, Vice Chairperson from the Central section William Tarby, and Vice Chairperson from the Western section Laura Smerbeck. The meeting was opened with a salute to the colors, pledge of allegiance and a moment of silence for all past Department Commanders.

Chairperson Rich welcomed 2 new Vice Chairpersons to the committee, Laura Smerbeck and William Tarby. The application form was discussed and no changes are necessary. It was strongly recommended that the Vice Chairpersons attend their respective section meetings in order to inform the District Commanders of the importance of filling out the application form for this award. It must be filled out completely and on the back of the form all volunteer hours and monies raised or spent must be added up in the sub totals and the grand total. It was also mentioned that if the form is enlarged, the entire form should be enlarged. Additional paper is necessary and accepted, also any substantiating information such as newspaper articles should be included and are welcomed. The committee would also like to remind all posts of their membership classification, Class 1 is 15-75 members, Class 2 is 76-200 members, Class 3 is 201-350 members, Class 4 is 351-500 members and Class 5 is 501 members and above. There being no further business to discuss the meeting was adjourned at 0945.

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