The monthly meeting of American Legion Auxiliary Thomas B. Anderson Unit 515 of Latrobe was called to order Nov. 4 by President Janet Penrose.

Following the opening rituals, the of the minutes and roll call of officers by Mary Pescatore, Chaplain Lois Neiderhiser led the opening prayer.

Secretary/Treasurer Carol Greenawalt gave the financial report, which will be filed for audit.

Committee updates included:

Americanism — Greenawalt reported the Americanism Essay theme for this year is “What Does America the Beautiful Mean to Me?” with regard to the military and the veterans.

Auxiliary Emergency Fund — Irene Hoyle collected $21. She noted, “A great way to remember a loved one, living or deceased, is to make a donation in their name to the Auxiliary Emergency Fund. It is a winning situation. You are doing something nice for someone and helping the AEF to assist the members who need help as well.”

Cards and Visiting — Donna Rodgers said she sent a get-well card to Linda Butler.

Children and Youth — Mary Jo Fromme noted she collected cards from Christ the Divine Teacher School to pass out on Veterans Day at the Latrobe post home.

Community Service — Greenawalt reported members have a form to fill out to be sent to ALA Department of Pennsylvania for their volunteer hours. After the meeting members signed 1,200 Christmas cards to be given to the Latrobe Police Department to be given to the veterans at nursing homes and VA centers.

Constitution and Bylaws — Greenawalt reported “the proper way to make changes and record where money is going in and out of the banking accounts and what everything is used for.”

Legislative — Rodgers read as article on Veterans Day, Nov. 11, which is the 70th anniversary of the official change from Armistice Day to Veterans Day. The American Legion fought for the official recognition of the end of World War I. President Dwight D. Eisenhower signed a proclamation Oct. 8, 1954, making it official.

National Security — Mary L. Daughenbaugh read a article on how to honor military families by showing your support with one of the following suggestions — “by holding a dinner in their honor. Get together and make thank-you cards with the holiday season approaching or host a holiday gathering. Adopt a family for the holiday season. Provide a wish list for the holiday season or purchase items on the wish list.”

An article was read on how the American Legion got its name. “On April 13, 1920, Post 515 had been formed in honor of Major Thomas B. Anderson, who was born Aug. 26, 1870. He was well respected in the community.”

Membership — Greenawalt explained, “Unit 515 has 88 paid members to date. Dues are due now; deadline is Dec. 31, 2024, or there will be a late fee of $5 extra after Jan. 1, 2025. The 3 R’s of membership are Recruit, Renew and Retain your membership. Do not let your membership lapse.”

Greenawalt also noted the American Legion is “the largest organization in Pennsylvania with 59,174 members.”

President Penrose welcomed new member Lisa Grandgeorge, wife of Post 515 Commander Scott Grandgeorge.

President’s Project — collected $11. This year’s donation for the President’s Project will go toward veterans’ hospitals and veterans’ nursing homes.

New Business — A motion was made by Cheryl Ashbaugh and seconded by Rodgers to donate $100 to Post 515 for the Veterans Day dinner, then a motion was made by Lucille Knapczyk and seconded by Patricia Hoffman to donate $100 to the Hurricane Relief Fund. All Unit 515 members were in favor, and both motions carried.

It was noted the December meeting will be Unit 515’s Christmas Party Monday, Dec. 9, at Sharky’s Café, Unity Township. Party-goers were asked to “please arrive by noon to pay for your dinner. The cost is $30. If you want to participate in the grab bag we are asking everyone to please bring a $10 gift card as your gift. Deadline to register for the dinner is Monday, Dec. 2; please call Carol at 724-532-1993 and leave a message.”

Chaplain Neiderhiser led the closing prayer, according to the Nov. 17 email report from Greenawalt.