Discover ways to get involved in your community and make a real difference in the lives of local veterans by using the ALA Challenge Deck. When you donate $35 or more to the Veteran Projects Fund, you will receive the 46-card deck. Learn more about the ALA Challenge Deck here. Donate online here, text CARD to 1-844-940-3450, or mail a check to ALA National Headquarters, 3450 Founders Road, Indianapolis, IN 46268. Please indicate in the memo line of the check that the gift is for the cards. If you have any questions, please contact Development Director Carley Schutz at
PA Legion Notices Receive Email Notices From The Department
Occasionally the Pennsylvania Department will send out notifications to its membership. The notifications inform members of deaths, events and important department information. When you sign up you will be able to select topics that you are interested in. Click below to add your name to the list.