Service not self
One day you wake up,
And you know your value,
And you look around
And say, “What can I do?”
Veterans are homeless,
People are losing their battles.
With their demons inside,
They think their life is in shambles.
Children are hungry.
Truth isn’t fact.
Grown up adults
Don’t know how to act.
I’m just one person,
But I know my mission.
Another one joins me.
Now, we have vision.
We better our little corner
Of this great big world.
Now there are three,
Our voice can be heard.
We each grab a friend.
Now there are six.
So many things
That now we can fix.
Double again,
Now we are a team.
We’re feeding the hungry
With a full head of steam.
The point of this story is
Somebody needs us.
We’ve been given this life
To live with a purpose.
Our community, our children
The people in need,
They need to feel hope
And we plant the seed.
Hope is our gift
That we can leave on this Earth.
Our time, talents, and treasures
Is of value and worth.
Find what you love
And give your whole heart.
If you do something now,
Today is your start.
Life filled with service
That only you can add,
Let’s you leave this Earth,
Using all that you had.
-Mindi Rue