American Legion dedicated street banner to the late Harry Eshbaugh
American Legion Post 102 in Brookville has added to the Main Street Banners with one dedicated to the late Harry Willis Eshbaugh.
Major Eshbaugh served in the U.S. Army Air Corps during World War II and in the new U.S. Air Force, retiring in 1969. He was the oldest member of Post 102 having been a member for 77 years until his death in September at 100 years of age.
“Harry was an inspiration to us all,” Post 102 commander and U.S. Navy veteran Steve Ent said. “He was able to tell us in detail what it was like to sit in a B-29 bomber. He was an incredible man.”
Post 102 Adjutant Jessica McWain, an Air Force veteran, enjoyed talking with Eshbaugh. “He was a pioneer in the new Air Force,” she said. “I enjoyed hearing his stories from those days.”
Banner chairman Rick Baughman, USN, said that this is only the second banner that Post 102 has purchased in honor of one of its members. The first was for Ira Minor, a New York native who settled in Brookville following his retirement from the U.S. Army. The second is for Harry Eshbaugh.
“The banner program is open to the family of any veteran,” Baughman said. He said the American Legion has utilized a local source for banners, which should eliminate any long delay in obtaining them. Baughman said 10 new banners were added this year.
The families of the veteran purchase the banners. A $20 maintenance fee is requested to raise and lower the banners annually and for the yearly cleaning of the banners.
Applications for a banner may be obtained at the veterans Affairs Office at Jefferson Place in Brookville and the office of state Sen. Cris Dush in Brookville.
For additional information about the banner program contact the American Legion at P.O. Box 323, Brookville, PA. 15825.