October 22, 2024

Commanders Corner

Hello from the Department of Pennsylvania, the year is moving along and we are moving forward in making your Department a better Department in everyday operations on all fronts. We are attacking the membership woes aggressively, we are vigorously attempting to retain our current members early in the Legion year and recruiting on a rapid pace, this is being done by portraying our Department in a more positive light, enlightening our communities on the benefits of being a member of this organization, make them feel welcomed to the Post, introduce them to other Veteran’s, take them to a Post or District Meeting, we don’t want to just forget about them after you recruited them.

We are ramping up our efforts in placing a high priority on Buddy Checks throughout the Department, this is necessary in regards to showing our membership that we care about them and their wellbeing not just their dues, we have instructed the Post leadership to make these checks between membership targets and just say Hi how have you been, can we be of any assistance to you, just build up a rapport and continue to build on it every time you make contact.

I recently returned from Headquarters in Indianapolis and met with our National Commander and he is determined with our assistance to get the word out on the “Be The One” initiative, we all need to take the position on eradicating Veteran Suicide, no Veteran should ever be left to deal with issues alone that may lead to suicide, feeling the burdens of what they are carrying and feeling. This is where Buddy Checks can play a pivotal role in “Be The One”, early detection and assistance, give the Veteran the feeling that you care and are concerned with their wellbeing, it works.

We are approaching the holiday season, a lot is going on with Veterans Day in early November, Legion College East and West, the Commanders Hospital Tour and of course Thanksgiving and Christmas, please take the time to go to a Legion College near you, come to a hospital near you and spend a few moments with a very lonely Veteran as his Holidays approach, reach out to your membership and say Hi, happy holidays, can I be of assistance to you or your family. As I close this article I leave you with one thought “Be The One” lets makes a positive difference in this great organization regardless what it is, “Be The One” who influences others to “Be The One”. HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!

It is indeed an honor to serve you.

God bless our Veterans and God bless America.

Commander John

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