July 24, 2024


Michael Davies

Over the past year the Children and Youth Committee has met two times. During our fall meeting we review our materials for the upcoming year and make necessary adjustments to our forms. We frequently discuss how vital it is to elaborate in the details section on the application and provide supporting documents of your Posts achievements. We also discuss the importance of local Post support for applicants for Educator of the Year. Applicants must have a sponsoring local Post. Our second meeting is held in the late spring to review our applicants and select our winners. We typically discuss the Children and Youth Post awards organized by class and then move on to the Educator of the Year. We are always impressed by the quality of the applicants and would always appreciate a greater quantity. We would like to remind you to tell your Posts that being honored with a children and youth award is as easy as following 3 simple steps.

1. Document the Activities you are already doing for Children and Youth throughout the year
2. Fill out the form with details of your activities
3. Send it in to Department before the deadline

Make sure you start day 1 as soon as your officers are installed. We would like to thank each and every Post that submitted an application. If you did not win this year, do not be discouraged. Please apply again and don’t forget to include details of your activities and documentation when available.

The Posts being recognized for their Children and Youth activities for the year 2024 are:

Class 1 Henry Hill Post 385 District 1 East

Class 2 Robert E. Baker Post 38 District 13 East

Class 3 Austin L. Grove Post 403 District 22 Central

Class 4 Baden American Legion Post 641 District 26 West

Class 5 Shiloh American Legion Post 791 District 22 Central


The 2024 Educator of the Year is awarded to:

Chief Master Sergeant Michael G. Gasparetto from Pittsburgh sponsored by American Legion
Post 548 Bakerstown District 32 West

 If any of you support our Children and Youth Programs, Please stand and be recognized.
 Members of the Department Children and Youth Committee Please remain standing.

Commander: The members of the Children and Youth committee and I would like to thank you for the appointments and the opportunity to serve in this capacity.

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