August 2, 2024


Jeffrey Kaylor

National Legislative Front
The 118th Congress is continuing on since the last report, our national legislature is on a its course of division. A division of ideologies, Party infighting continue to be the norm, regardless of world events and National Security. With the 2024 Presidential Election looming large, the attention to getting elected or re-elected will become the priority. There is a plethora of legislation regarding veterans. Too many to list.

Recent Veteran Legislation
H.R. 542 - Elizabeth Dole Home Care Act of 2023
Bill passed the House in December, but is still sitting in Senate Committee. Efforts from us need to be directed at our Senators to get this moving.
H.R. 3848: The Housing Our Military Veterans Effectively (HOME) Act of 2023.
Bill passed the House in December, but is still sitting in Senate Committee. Efforts from us need to be directed at our Senators to get this moving.
H.R. 3581: Caregiver Outreach and Program Enhancement (COPE) Act
Bill passed the House in December, but is still sitting in Senate Committee. Efforts from us need to be directed at our Senators to get this moving.
FY 24 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) status
Senate and House conferees completed the conference last week. Now advocacy organizations are figuring out what made the cut as we look towards final passage.
FY24 VA funding status
H.R. 4366, The Military Construction, Veteran Affairs, and Related Agencies Act
Enacted March 9th 2024

The American Legion supports the following legislation:
Senate Bill 10, VA Careers Act of 2023.
Remains in Senate Committee
H.R. 592 The Electronic Health Records Modernization Improvement Act.
Remains in House Committee
H.R. 1139 GUARD VA Act
Remains in House Committee
H.R. 1413 Arlington National Cemetery
Remains in House Committee
H. R. 4569 Veteran Service Recognition Act of 2023
Remains in House Committee
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania front.
Once again there are plenty of Legislation issues.
SB 924 – Military Sexual Trauma Awareness Day
Remains in Senate Veterans Affairs & Emergency Preparedness Committee
SR 97 - Military Sexual Trauma Awareness.
Remains in the Senate Rules & Executive Nominations Committee
SB 61 - Hunting & fur taking licenses – Active Duty and Disabled Military Veteran Exemptions
Remains in the Senate Finance Committee
HR 63 - Urging Congress to require both Men and Women register for the draft.
Remains in House Veterans Affairs & Emergency Preparedness Committee
HR 125 - Designating Nov 4 through Nov 11 Veterans Service Week. - Adopted
Small Games of Chance
HB 1797 – Modernization of SGOC Act
Remains is Gaming Oversight Committee
HB1089 – SGOC Card Games – permit poker (Table games)
Remains is Gaming Oversight Committee
HB1452 & SB667 - Mobile Payment Services for Small Games of Chance
Permit Credit and debit cards to be used to make SGOC purchases.
HB1452 Remains is Gaming Oversight Committee
SB667 Passed the Senate Appropriations Committee 4/8/24
HB1268 - Permitting fire departments, veterans’ associations and other non-profit organizations
to collect payment and live-stream raffles and other small games of chance online.
Remains in Gaming Oversight Committee
SB 430 - 50/50 Split for Club Licensees under Local Option Small Games of Chance Act
Remains in the Community Economic and Recreational Development Committee.
SB 969 Illegal Gambling Devices – Skills Games
Remains in the Judiciary Committee
SB706 Skill Video Gaming Act
Remains in the Community Economic and Recreational Development Committee.
Club Legislation
SB 360 –Allowing Club License Holders to Sell Malt Beverages for Off-Premises Consumption
Remains Tabled
HB1657 – Clean Air Act. Removes All loopholes. Regarding smoking. Vapes included – Clubs
become smoke free facilities.
Remains Tabled
SB681 - Clean Air Act– Removes all loopholes regarding smoking. Vapes included – Clubs
become smoke free facilities.
Remains in Health & Human Services Committee

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