July 20, 2024


E. Michael Stelacio
This has been another exciting year serving our veterans, our troops and families. Once again, I would like to thank my Legion family for their support. I am truly humbled by your kindness and love you bestow on me.

Our year, as always, started with our department convention. We then proceeded to Charlotte, NC for our National Convention. National did a fantastic job. It was a great convention with many keynote speakers and presentations.

WE have once again accomplished a lot with our policies, resolutions and even our awards. Pennsylvania is very proud to have been awarded the "Health Care Worker of the Year," Kimberly Nutt from the Philadelphia MichaelJ Crescenz VA.

Our NEC meetings in Indianapolis continue to be very productive. Also, it's great once again meeting with old friends and colleges. I am looking forward to our Department and National Conventions to be held in
Harrisburg and New Orleans, respectively. However, the year has once again brought about the loss of many of our Legion team and family members. Also, illness has caused many in our ranks to miss meetings and conventions. We pray for their souls and the restoration of health to all.

God Bless You. God Bless Our Troops, all our Families. God Bless America.

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