July 19, 2024


Doug Church
Well another year has come and gone and this one flew by. They say "if its fun time flys by". So, I Guess I had fun, and I did. The year had its ups and downs but for the most part it was great learning experience and a great teaching experience. I enjoyed the Christmas Tour the best. It's hard to say anything was not enjoyable. It did have some sad parts, how I hate to see posts close their doors and have to surrender their charters. Sad to see the older veterans that have tried so hard to stay open and not get any support from other members in their posts. This just go to show how important it is to keep trying to recruit the younger veterans and keep the membership involved and interested in your posts. But for the most part I had a wonderful year. Enjoyed the new faces and places I got to see and meet. I can not thank you all for the support I have received, and I cannot thank my District Commanders enough for the hard work you all put into the Legion that you all care so much for. Thank you. In closing good luck to all you in coming Commanders, stay the course and have the best year you possibly can.

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