August 11, 2024


Robert John

In accordance with the Department of Pennsylvania By-Laws, the Resolution Executive and Assignment Committee shall be made up of a Past Department Commander to serve as Chairman and three current District Commanders who are in the second year of their term of office.

This year, Department Commander Lavelle appointed Past Department Commander Robert John to Chair the Committee and District Commanders Curtis Campbell, Doug Yetzer and Glenn Wolfe to serve.

The 2023-24 American Legion year has been a relatively robust year when it comes to Resolutions.

The September 2023 D.E.C. meeting addressed three issues, all originating and dealing with our S.A.L. Detachment.

Our January 2024 D.E.C. meeting received and reviewed a total of six Resolutions addressing issues like gender neutral language in Department documents, allowing 17 year olds on active duty to vote, consolidation of Pennsylvania Districts, S.S.N.s on VA correspondence, the Convention of States and “Be The One” Day.

The April 2024 D.E.C. meeting reviewed four Resolutions dealing with redistricting within the Department, endorsing Ree Ann Ross for National Auxiliary Eastern Vice President, sponsorship packages within the Department and endorsing the National Convention in Pittsburgh in 2030.

As of this writing, there are a variety of Resolutions and Department Constitution/By-Laws changes that will be reviewed and acted upon at this Department Convention.

A motion was approved at the January 2023 D.E.C. that requires updates to be presented at D.E.C. meetings on the status of approved Resolutions from recent D.E.C.s or Department Conventions. This is an effort to make sure that approved Resolutions do not “fall through the cracks”.

Have a great Department Convention!

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