Post Gulf War Veterans
In 1919 the American Legion was chartered by Congress as a patriotic veterans organization. Focusing on service to veterans, servicemembers and communities. The Legion has continued to evolve from a group of war-weary veterans of World War I into one of the most influential nonprofit groups in the United States. Over the years, the Legion has influenced considerable social change in America, won hundreds of benefits for veterans and produced many important programs for children and youth.
We all have a common bond. We are a part of the less than 1% of Americans who chose to serve our country. The Post Gulf War Committee is committed evolving in order to better serve the veterans, and their families, who have served during and after the Gulf War. This committee is designed to provide a platform to entice Veterans, and family members, of the Persian Gulf War, Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom to join the American Legion and share their knowledge and ideas on how our organization can improve and evolve in order to remain relevant.
Post Gulf War Veterans are the future of the American Legion. We understand that the needs of younger veterans may be different than those who have served in past wars. The American Legion is a family oriented organization that includes the American Legion Auxiliary (spouses, children and grandchildren of Veterans) and the Sons of the American Legion (children and grandchildren). As such, we need to initiate ideas of how we can attract the entire family and provide programs to meet their needs.
As the largest wartime Veterans organization, we need your participation to help us initiate and preserve the benefits that have been earned!