Sons of the American Legion Post 328 Ambrose Revels, Archbald, will host a Night at the Races fundraiser on Nov. 9 at St. Thomas Aquinas Church (basement), 411 Church St., Archbald. Doors open at 5 p.m. Admission is $10 and ticket includes light refreshments and beverages. The event is for 21 years of age and older. Raffle tickets are available for $2 each or three raffle tickets for $5. First prize is a $500 gift card to Bosak’s Choice Meats, and second prize is $250 in scratch-off tickets. Night at the races tickets and raffle tickets can be purchased from any Sons of the American Legion member. For more information, call Duane Griffiths at 570-954-6448 or the post home at 570-876-0641.

Sons of the American Legion Post 328 to hold Night at the Races
Sons of the American Legion Post 328 Ambrose Revels members, from left: Jerry Hart, Brian Bojarsky and Chris Marion. (Courtesy of Lauren Telep)