December 20, 2024

Auxiliary Unit 284 installs incoming officers

Auxiliary Unit 284 installs incoming officers

Officers of the Martin May American Legion Auxiliary (ALA) Unit #284 of Avis were installed for their incoming year of 2025, by Carol Wert Walker, American Legion Auxiliary, Department of Pennsylvania’s District President for Centre, Lycoming and Clinton Counties. ALA Unit #284 members are very active in programs of the mission of “Service Not Self” for their American Legion, our Veterans, our troops, their families, their children and youth and their community. Pennsylvania’s American Legion Auxiliary is the largest in the world, with almost 60,000 members. They also are part of the Centre, Lycoming and Clinton Tri-County American Legion Auxiliary Council, where they meet four times a year to share ways they all help their veterans, the veterans families, their children and youth and their communities, all in the mission of “Service Not Self.” Pictured, seated from left, are Lori Roupp, president; Dan Gales, secretary/membership and Julie Smith, vice president. Standing, Twila Straub, chaplain; Carol Wert Walker, American Legion Auxiliary, Department of Pennsylvania’s District President for Centre, Lycoming and Clinton Counties; Samantha Chapman, member and Katie Stewart, treasurer.

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