Cannelton American Legion Auxiliary member becomes 8th District President

Cannelton American Legion Auxiliary Unit 142 past president Diana Lain was just named the new president of the Indiana District eight ALA. This makes her responsible for 31 units. She will be making sure each unit is running their meetings the way they are supposed to just being available to each unit.
Lain is a Cannelton native married to Norman Lain and the mother of four children. She has Kenneth Lain, Jeanie Hess, Nick Lain and Marybeth Woods. She has four grandchildren.
Lain loves to try new things and considers herself a passionate person. She loves to help people. She is also a fan of crocheting.
Lain had been in the Cannelton legion for over 14 years. She has served as a president, a vice president and held many chairs throughout her time at the legion.
Lain’s father was in the marines and a member of the Cannelton legion. He is the reason that she joined the auxiliary. She had many family members that were in the military, so veterans are an important part of her life.
Her favorite part of the legion is meeting people. She looks forward to guiding each unit and to help a lot of veterans. The auxiliary is there to support the legion with whatever they need. They also support military families with their needs.
Lain stated that her biggest goal is to gain membership. She wants veterans and their family to know that the legion and auxiliary are able to benefit them greatly. The benefits are great for legion members. She wants every veteran and their family to reap the benefits.
An individual must be a veteran or have a direct relative like a mother, father, brother, sister or grandparent that is/was a veteran to join.