Carbondale AL Auxiliary Unit 221 installs new officers holds events

Carbondale AL Auxiliary Unit 221 installs new officers holds events
The American Legion Auxiliary Unit 221, Carbondale, has been busy since the new fiscal year started in April.
The auxiliary held its installation of officers on Aug. 4 at the American Legion Post 221 Training Center in Carbondale. The ceremony was conducted by Tina Haggerty, American Legion Auxiliary District president, Halstead.
Officers are: Gina Iacovazzi, president; Barbara Galovitz, vice president; Karen Blake, second vice president; Michelle Poyer, historian and secretary; Beth Barnes, treasurer; Kathy Surace, membership; Melissa Slick-Dick, sergeant-at-arms, and Julianne Doyle, chaplain.
In September, the organization held its largest annual fundraiser of the year, the Night at the Races, at the Moxie Club in Carbondale. The success of the Sept. 28 event was a group effort. The American Legion Post 221 and the American Legion Auxiliary members thank their sponsors, all who purchased horses for the program and everyone who attended for making this year a success.
The American Legion Auxiliary Unit 221 held its annual Adopt-A-Highway community cleanup on Oct 19. Eighteen American Legion Auxiliary members and members of the American Legion Post 221 gathered to receive their reflective vests, gloves, grabbers and trash bags to begin their one-mile cleanup of Dundaff Street in Carbondale.
The auxiliary also held its annual porketta fundraiser on Oct. 21, reaching its goal of selling 1,000 porketta sandwiches. If you would like to include your organization in the auxiliary’s next porketta fundraiser, submit a request to This year’s event included porketta, roll, au jus and chips with a takeout container to be either be delivered or picked up for $5.
The American Legion Auxiliary Unit 221 will hold its next meeting on Nov. 14 in the American Legion’s new Training Center at 13 Hospital St. Interested members of the community are welcome.
The auxiliary appreciates the hard work, dedication, contributions and donations to the organization. All proceeds benefit veteran programs throughout the year.